Who can certify documents in australia
Who can certify documents? What is an authorised officer in Australia? What documents do I need to apply for an Australian business number? People who can certify documents are: any person who is entitled to witness a Commonwealth of Australia Statutory Declaration as defined in the Statutory. CASA delegate or employee a CASA appointed Designated Aviation medical Examiner or Designated Aviation Ophthalmologist. To find out who can certify a copy of a document, go to the List of people authorised to certify copies of original documents. Please note that copies of documents cannot currently be certified remotely. Hi, It should have this information on the notes with the documents, however, with things like the photo driving licence the following can certify. This must occur in person. Hiya, the easiest and obvious choice is your doctor, a nurse, teacher or other professional person. However, there is a requirement that the person has got to have known you for a certain num...