Workcover claim form sa
Edit, Sign, Print, Fill Online more fillable forms , Subscribe Now! Convert PDF to Editable Online. No Installation Needed. The form workers must complete in order to lodge a claim. The claim and certificate must be lodged as soon as possible. First Certificate of Capacity. You can ask your employer if they are a self-insurer. Use this form to request reimbursement for claim -related medical or travel expenses. Travel reimbursement is for reasonable travel expenses you incur attending medical and hospital services required as a result of an accepted work-related injury or illness. Employers should ensure that they are fully appraised of the claims raised to assess whether there is a need to object to the claim. This would also include any supporting. WorkCover claim form Download PDF (492KB) Back to top. The value of a workcover claim is based upon the medical evidence the major part of which consists of the medical report supplied by an ‘independent’ medical...