Your name characters age
Your Name tells the story a high school boy in Tokyo and a high school girl in a rural town, who suddenly and inexplicably begin to swap bodies. The film stars the voices of Ryunosuke Kamiki , Mone Kamishiraishi , Masami Nagasawa and Etsuko Ichihara. How to name your characters? What is a good name for a character? It’s a website that allows you to specify the age , sex and ancestry of your character , then suggests a random name. It even throws in a little suggestion for an appropriate personality, based on the Myers-Briggs personality test! Even more surprising was the fact that there seem to be dozens more of similar websites and applications! Keep in mind that different names are common in different generations. Your characters are all alive at the same time, but it might be weird to have an old character named Talon or a young character named Leonard. Technically the author names the character. But, remember, it is the parents who name their children. The resu...