The former meaning

Definition of the former : the first one of two things or people that have been mentioned Of these two options , the former is less expensive , while the latter is less risky. What is the definition of former? If offered a choice between death and exile, he said that he would choose the former. You use former in front of a noun to indicate that the person you are talking about is no longer the thing referred to by the noun. For example, the former chairman of a company used to be the chairman, but is not the chairman now.

President Gerald Ford.

The unemployed executives include former sales managers, directors and accountants. He pleaded not guilty to murdering his former wife. For example, someone who believes in reincarnation might wonder about their former life — or even lives — before their present existence.

When something or someone has change we can refer to them as former. First things first: former and latter are both terms that denote an item’s place in a two-part sequence. They usually appear in the sentence immediately following the sequence they are describing.

Latter has a similar history. When former is used in the sense of former vs. Traditionally, former and latter are used in relation to pairs of items: either the first of two items ( former ) or the second of two items (latter).

Typically, a former gives shape to a structure that may have complex curvature. A former is a structural member of an aircraft fuselage, of which a typical fuselage has a series from the nose to the empennage, typically perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft. The primary purpose of formers is to establish the shape of the fuselage and reduce the column length of stringers to prevent instability. Synonyms for former at Thesaurus. Find descriptive alternatives for former.

Both former and first start with the letter “F. Both latter and last start with the letter “L. You can also remember that latter comes later than does former. Former is the first word.

For example, in the marriage of Bob and Sue, the former is the husban and the latter is the wife. The definition of former is something that happened in the past or a previously held role. An example of former is a person who was once a policeman but is now retired. Definition and synonyms of former from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. This is the British English definition of former.

View American English definition of former. Change your default dictionary to American English. View the pronunciation for former.

Parallel to prior (via Latin), as comparative form from same Proto-Indo-European root.

Related to first and fore (thence before), from Proto-Germanic. FORMER Meaning : earlier in time, mid-12c. Someone or something that has changed dramatically to become decreased in vivacity in some way, often following negative circumstances or some traumatic event. Old English… See definitions of former.

A pattern, usually made of plastic, used to guide the automatic machines which cut and edge lenses. Many translated example sentences containing former meaning – Dutch-English dictionary and search engine for Dutch translations.


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