Disadvantages of oci card

Disadvantages and Advantages of OCI card - Sending Money. What are the advantages of OCI visa? Can I get an OCI card in India?

There are a few disadvantages but they may or may not be of concern to most OCI holders. For instance as an OCI you cannot currently vote in Indian elections.

There are some other aspects to consider also if you have younger school going children as you may be required to pay extra fees etc depending on the schools selected. You have no voting rights. DISCLAIMER: For authoritative information on this topic, please visit the website of any Indian consulate (Consulate General of India ). I am sharing my personal experience with OCI card and my opinions.

The confusion is prevalent over keeping PIO or OCI cards. Benefits and Drawbacks of Being PIO and OCI. Around million Indians are dwelling across the foreign countries.

Also the application process is also little bit complicated. The OCI card on the other hand is a lifelong card. Not much disadvantage compared to an Indian Citizen especially when you have the OCI card. The UK govt is encouraging people either to be committed and get the passport or go back home. A PIO Card holder shall not require a visa to visit India.

No requirement of a student visa for studying in India and employment visa for taking employment in India. OCI card holders can not undertake any Missionary, mountaineering and research work in India. Prior approval will be needed from the Ministry of Home Affairs in India if you are planning any of this on your trip to India.

Indian passport holder cannot get OCI status which is only available to Foreigners who were either once Indian citizens or their father or grandfather were Indian citizens or they are married to Indian citizens. OCI – Overseas Citizen of India. Eligibility for OCI card b. How to apply for OCI card.

The key difference between P. This means that any and all capital investments that you may make in India are manageable as you are allowed to stay in India without restriction, without. I understand that OCI is not dual citizenship, but name is misleading and if you have OCI you are eligible to reclaim Indian citizenship, if you spent few years in India.

So, I think it is path to dual citizenship. But because the government had been pretending it was creating “dual citizenship” when it was really dressing up a glorified visa, it’s caught in its own hall of illusions, churning out documents that mean nothing except create confusion and the need for. Exemption from registration with local police authority for any length of stay in India. However, such a person would have to renounce their foreign citizenship.

The documentation of cXML is superior to OCI , the OCI documentation contains a brief description of how the protocol works but if you need to get into the details the OCI documentation is not detailed enough. An OCI holder, however, does not. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below.

PIO card holder is required to register with local authorities for.


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