Apostolic internuncio

Nun­cio (of­fi­cially known as an Apos­tolic nuncio and also known as a papal nuncio) is the title for an ec­cle­si­as­ti­cal diplo­mat, being an envoy or per­ma­nent diplo­matic rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the Holy See to a state or in­ter­na­tional or­ga­ni­za­tion. The nuncio resides in Panama City. He is a significant figure in Catholic resistance to Nazism.

The Republic of China is now more commonly referred to as “Taiwan”. However, as far as the Vatican is concerne the Republic of China is the state of “China”. Apostolic Internuncio of Austria.

The last case of the kind occurred in Portugal about the middle of the nineteenth century. A minister of a second order, charged with the affairs of the court of Rome, where that court has no nuncio under that title. Holy See at the capital of a temporal government.

Define nuncio, apostolic. A Vatican diplomatic envoy or representative ranking just. Synonyms for nuncio, apostolic in Free Thesaurus. Buy Archbishop Arthur Walter Hughes of the White Fathers.

Antonyms for nuncio, apostolic.

Cookies help us deliver our services. English-Chinese dictionary. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. He was also Pontifical Legate for the Patriarchal Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi and worked with Cardinal Roger Etchegaray to prepare the historic World Day of Prayer for Peace, which was held in.

Patna Jesuit Society and the Cecil Hotel Management for the transaction of the property. Loesch began discussions with the Cecil owners. In exceptional cases extraordinary powers are given to the internuncio , when important affairs are in question. As conditions in the various countries to which internuncios are ordinarily sent differ. He served as a chaplain in the Italian Army during.

Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Some countries have more particular naming for their missions and staff: a Vatican mission is headed by a nuncio (Latin for envoy) and consequently known as an apostolic nunciature. A papal ambassador or representative. World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of. The Internuncio was in diplomatic protocol by the ambassadors at the top of the Messengers, what resulted in those states which exclusively accredited envoy as heads of mission that the Internuncio actually approached the position of a doyen of the diplomatic corps.

Since the appointment of ambassadors was common in small states from the mid-20th century, came the previously extremely rare. Quick definitions from WordNet ( internuncio ) noun:.

Search completed in 0. Home Reverse Dictionary Customize Browse Dictionaries Pr. This impasse was solved by the active intervention of the then Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and the Vatican Internuncio , Rev.


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