
What is the definition of leonine? What does the head of a leonine look like? Leo, especially Leo IV or Leo XIII. They may possibly be described as a leonine society in that the male sometimes has no objection to the woman being the provider.

The definition of leonine is someone or something that is like a lion. An example of a leonine person is a person with a big mane of fluffy hair.

YourDictionary definition and usage example. But with beer to be gained by boldness, Ichabod was leonine in courage. In the leonine eyes looking into hers gleamed the light of admiration and approval. Such rhymes were already referred to as rime leonine in the anonymous 12th-century romance Guillaume d’Angleterre.

In prosody, consisting of metrical Latin hexameters or elegiacs (alternate hexameters and pentameters), in which the final word rimes with the word immediately preceding the cesural pause or the middle of the line. If you are leonine you resemble a lion in either good or bad ways. Lions are both feared and loved.

They are kings of the jungle, agile merciless majestic hunters. If you have leonine courage, you are as strong and brave as a lion.

Latin verse, generally alternate hexameter and pentameter, rhyming at the middle and end. The company’s early track record includes the acclaimed Netflix. Leonine lē′o-nīn, adj. She focuses her quick thinking and steady loyalty for those she supports. How to use leonine in a sentence.

LEONINE Meaning: lion-like, late 14c. Old French leonin or directly from Latin leoninus belonging to or… See definitions of leonine. See also the related category latin. Lepromatous lepra is the main differential diagnosis, as the patient may have a ‘ leonine ’ facies. The histopathology of the DCL lesion is characteristic, with a homogeneous epidermal and dermal infiltrate of vacuolated macrophages full of Leishmania amastigotes.

Only tech videos Dish tips Unboxing PC tips and tricks Mobile tips and tricks Vloging All about info. His appearance only enhanced his reputation, a leonine hea steel-grey hair, sharp, shrewd eyes. Popular Terms Provision in an agreement under which a party is excused from sharing in the liabilities arising out of the agreement. With a leonine face and mane of white hair, the older gentleman was still a symbol of strength and courage. Definition and synonyms of leonine from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.

This is the British English definition of leonine. View American English definition of leonine. Change your default dictionary to American English.

View the pronunciation for leonine. Urban Dictionary: leonine. His hair, originally dark, became, in his later years, silvery white, and its wavy locks combined with those of his flowing beard to give him that leonine appearance so familiar through his later portraits.

A local delivery service is also available. From the late 9th through the mid-11th century, Rome and the papacy were controlled by various families from Rome’s landed nobility, with brief interludes of intervention from the German emperors that were the successors of Charlemagne. Connected Locations.


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