Rental legal advice

When you are renting a home it is important for you to know what you can afford and understand the kind of rental agreement you are entering into. Find out about your rights and responsibilities as a tenant so that you can follow the rules. These pages can give you helpful information on problems you may have while renting. You’ll be responsible for minor repairs - for example, changing fuses and light bulbs.

You’ll also have to fix anything damaged by you, someone who visits you or another person you live with - for example, your child.

Can a landlord take legal action to get unpaid rent? How to find free legal advice? Is legal advice for housing? Can I rent a place to live? If you are lucky enough to have a law centre near you, then this is an excellent place to go for free advice and legal help.

They are often staffed with experienced housing solicitors. Even the unqualified staff will normally have received proper training and be supervised by people who really know their subject.

UK If you’re experiencing problems in getting documents or information from your landlor you can get help from your nearest Citizens Advice. You might need a ‘guarantor’ so you can rent a place to live. If you don’t pay your landlord what you owe them, they can ask your guarantor to pay instead.

If your guarantor doesn’t pay, your landlord can take them to court. As a tenant , you have the right to: live in a property that’s safe and in a good state of repair have your deposit returned when the tenancy ends - and in some circumstances have it protected. There are types of legal aid , for criminal and civil cases. If your case is civil, you can: find out more about legal aid and check if you can get legal aid on GOV. Legal aid can help pay for legal advice , family mediation and representation at a court or tribunal - check if you can get it.

When renting a property for your business, you have some responsibilities by law - but most will depend on what it says in the lease. Private renters and social housing tenants can opt in to the Rental Exchange Initiative, a free scheme that records your rental payments and sends the to credit reference agency Experian. If you pay on time, it could boost your score - and therefore your ability to get a mortgage, credit card etc. To avoid bias opinions, you should NOT rely on legal or real estate advice from the seller or one of the agents of the property (even if they are also an attorney).

You have the right to rent a safe home and to be treated fairly. The law is there to protect your rights - you can take action to get your landlord to do what they should. Get help from your nearest Citizens Advice - they can check your rights and talk you through your options.

Housing and local services. Being a landlord and renting out a room. Right Legal Advice website is even ranking before the UK and US Government advice websites. You can also get a Full Case Service in only of normal Costs in UK. Welcome to our Legal Advice Centre, a free legal resource and information site for UK businesses and business owners provided by commercial law specialists, Truelegal Solicitors.

Legal can give you clear legal advice on your position in plain English, whenever you need it. Your landlord may be turning up unannounced or delaying the return of your deposit. Our lawyers and specialist legal advisers are able to provide you with the tenancy advice you need to work out exactly where you stand.


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