Owner synonym

Synonyms for owner at Thesaurus. Merriam-Webster Thesaurus , plus related words, definitions, and antonyms. Find another word for owner. What is another word for owner?

Top synonym for owner (another word for owner ) is proprietor.

How do you use owner in a sentence? WordReference thesaurus : synonyms , discussion and more. We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word owner will help you to finish your crossword today.

Owners and ownership - thesaurus. Antonyms for property owner. To determine the owner of the underlying object, query ALL_ SYNONYMS. Proprietor, possessor, holder.

Of or belonging to oneself or itself: She makes her own clothes.

English dictionary definition of owner. That which belongs to one: I wanted a room of my own. The state or fact of being an owner. A group that owns something: The ownership of the team wants to make a trade fo.

View the pronunciation for beneficial owner. For more information about how to create synonyms , see CREATE SYNONYM (Transact-SQL). Only synonym owners, members of db_ owner , or members of db_ddladmin can grant permission on a synonym. We have synonyms for owner. Thesaurasize - When you need a better owner word.

Noun (plural owners) 1. One who owns (something). Are you the owner of this car? Search for synonyms and antonyms. Specify PUBLIC if synonym is a public synonym. You cannot use this clause to change a public synonym to a private synonym , or vice versa.

If you omit schema, then Oracle Database assumes the synonym is in your own schema. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies.

Definition: the act of having and controlling property. Usage: the control of the mob by the. Co- ownership , however, means that more than one person has a legal interest in the same thing. Similar words: control. Home Articles Misc Here.

In the context of this article, the schema owner represents the Oracle user that owns all your database objects, while application users are Oracle users that need access to those schema objects.


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