Expulsion sentence

What is a sentence for expulsion? His laugh was little more than an expulsion of air. The expulsion of dust from the volcano was visible from miles away. Troops are engaged in the expulsion of enemy forces from the area. Matt’s stealing has resulted in his expulsion from the company.

The expectoration is characterized by its abundance and manner of expulsion.

In ectopic gestation the foetus is active, the mother is passive, and there is no attempt at expulsion from either side. Relief is obtained both from the pain and from the sense of distension by expulsion of flatus. Examples of expulsion in a sentence: 1. He was certain it would mean expulsion to be caught.

They explained the causes which led to his expulsion from school after school. From Hasdai ibn Shaprut in the 10th century and Samuel the nagid in the 11th the line of Jewish scholar-statesmen. This event happened previous to the expulsion of the tyrant.

Ruiz, New York Times, Russian Hackers Release Stolen Emails in New Effort to Undermine Doping Investigators , Jan.

There is almost no chance of securing an expulsion order within a month and a day - meaning that they will have to be released. His story is in the main one of expulsions from the court by victorious factions, and of his return when his conquerors fell out among themselves. During the course of these forced expulsions , a number of people were k. How to use expulsion in a sentence. Definition of expulsion.

Use expulsion in a sentence 1. Back talk to a teacher was a step away from expulsion. McEvoy identified Thieriot as the other architect of her own expulsion. Officials on Monday announced the expulsion of two diplomats from the embassy in Manila for alleged espionage.

Forcible expulsion of a population is reprehensible and a violation of international law. More disturbingly, the government has inaugurated a policy of forcible expulsions from camps for the displaced. Learn the definition of the word expulsion and how to use expulsion in a sentence. Expuision is not a word but expulsion is. The kid who broke the window at school was punished with expulsion from school.

Asad ibn Rabiya rose and said: 'Why cannot we expulse him from among us and banish him from our country? Expulse definition, to expel. The school board did not believe that truancy was sufficient reason for expulsion.

Or: A volcanic eruption occurs when pressure bui.

Synonyms for expulsion at Thesaurus. Find descriptive alternatives for expulsion.


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