Name change checklist nsw

Change of name We record official changes of name in NSW for adults and children (aged under years). A name change includes amending any part of a name. Your options for changing your name include taking your husband’s name , double-barrelling your surname with his, or you could consider merging the two surnames together to create a new , unique name.

Priority name changes. Marriage certificate from Births, Deaths and Marriages. Take your original BDM marriage certificate and current license. You need to do this in person. How do you change your name in New South Wales?

What is priority name change? Can’t remember all of the places you need to notify when you choose to change your name after marriage? Here’s a handy list that you can tick off as you go! Forms and information is available from the New South Wales Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages website or you can call them if you have specific questions. Your passport will be updated with your new name , however the expiry date will remain as per your existing passport.

Our name change checklist below is a simple tool to help you keep track of who you have informed of your name change , and who you still need to inform. NSW for 3 consecutive years immediately prior to your application. To register a change of name for a child under years, both parents must make a joint application. There are different rules for changing your name in Scotland.

Get a deed poll A deed poll is a legal document that proves a change of name. Approximately of newlyweds choose to change their name , and if this is also you, your options for changing your name are endless! Sent Comments Proof of name change. Driver’s licence Car registration Passport Electoral roll Australian Taxation Office Medicare Council (for property owners) Centrelink. If both parents consent to change the way the first name is used and recorded by the school, that name can be used and recorded as the child’s first name.

If either or both parents object to the change to the way the first name is recorded by the school, the principal needs to make a decision about what is in the child’s best interests. Your identity documents and change of name document should show a clear link between your names. Warning: The browser version is out of date and the web site may not work correctly. Please upgrade your browser to obtain the best experience from this web site.

The next time you get that magazine in the mail, go online and change your name. Same thing with the gym and other clubs. The only ones you’ll need to change pronto are the ones you pay for as when that next payment hits your bank account, the name difference might cause an issue. Changing your name informally is a free and easy way to change your name , and it gives you time to decide if you want to stay with your new name or change it back. But if you change your name informally like this, you might run into problems when you apply for your driver’s licence, a passport, a Medicare card or Centrelink because there’s no official record to show that you’ve changed.

CHANGE OF PHARMACY NAME. When do I use this form? Where can I get help in completing my Notice? Drivers license Change your address with the DMV — you can get a ticket for failing to have a correct address on your license.

Government Agencies. Social Security Administration Department of Motor Vehicles - driver's license, car title and registration Voter Registration US Passport Post Office, if change of address Military or Veteran Records Public Assistance Naturalization Papers Any open court orders. Register your business name, website name and trade mark.

Name change checklist nsw

Name Change Checklist. Your business name is also known as your ‘trading name’ and it’s the name under which your business operates. A domain name is the website address on the internet.

You can register your business name through ASIC. Total Asset Management Services and Systems (TAMS NSW) – NSW Public Works can provide experienced professional staff, on a fee for service basis. Psychiatry training in NSW is delivered through training networks.

A training network is a group of hospitals and health services operating together as part of a combined training program.


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