Petition for name change form

It’s the primary document used in order to submit your name change request. This document can be mailed or submitted online depending on your state. Once the form and other documents are complete go to your local county clerks office to have them reviewed.

Prepare the form by supplying the requisite petition information. To petition for an adult name change , simply do not fill out any fields that pertain to a minor name change. A certified copy of petitioner’s birth certificate is filed with this petition.

The Clerk will stamp the forms with a filing date and give you back a copy. How do you legally change a name? How to legally change your name? How can I change my last name legally? First, you file your petition.

Then, you will get a court date between and weeks away. If you follow all the required steps and the court approves your request, you will get a court order called a decree changing your name. A deed poll is a legal document that proves a change of name.

You can change any part of your name , add or remove names and hyphens, or change spelling. There are ways to get a deed poll. The advanced tools of the editor will direct you through the editable PDF template. Enter your official. PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME.

Adult) (DOM REL 60) TO THE HONORABLE, THE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: Your Current Name. This form is submitted accompanied by a filing fee. My name has been changed to the following since birth for the following reasons: (List any reasons why your name may have changed since birth, for example, marriage).

This set of forms is for use in name change proceedings. The forms must be filed in the family division of circuit court. The number of attachments included in this petition is (specify number): 7. PETITION OF ( name of each petitioner): CASE NUMBER: PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME. SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF.

Use to request a change of name for a person years of age or older. Probate and Family Court Uniform Practice XXXV. Checklist of required documents. Use to request a change of name for a minor.

For information about how to fill out and file court forms , please read Basics of Court Forms.

Adult Name Change Forms. Visit Adult Name Changes to learn more about the legal process. If you live in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens or Staten Islan the fee is only $65.

You can also file your petition in Supreme Court where the fee is about $300. General Instructions. Petition to Change Name of Adult.


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