Registered office

It is assumed that any official notice sent to the company’s registered office address has been received by the company. A registered office is the official address of an incorporated company, association or any other legal entity. Generally it will form part of the public record and is required in most countries where the registered organization or legal entity is incorporated. A registered physical office address is required for incorporated organizations to receive official correspondence and formal notices from government departments, investors, banks, shareholders and the general public.

It is the official address of the incorporated company and is publicly available for anyone to view.

The address can be different to that of your usual trading address. Where your company’s address is located has nothing to do with where you trade from, so a virtual. Covid-infection spread to one of the company’s staff member after one of the person in its office building was tested positive on July 9. A Director’s Service Address is an address that Companies House and HMRC can send information to, which is specifically for the director’s attention. How to check company registration? What does registered office mean?

This is where official communications will be sent, for example letters from Companies House.

Use this form to tell us about a change to your company’s registered office address. It takes longer to process paper forms sent to us. You must tell us within days of the change taking place. Companies House will display the address on the public register and use this address when communicating with the company. The registered office is the official address recorded by Companies House for UK companies, limited partnerships and LLP’s.

All UK companies (LTD’s) and limited liability partnerships (LLP’s) are legally required to have a UK registered office. Like a natural person, a company has a ‘home’ address, where legal documents and notices may be served. This address is known as its registered office an among other things, determines the company’s VAT and corporation tax office and the tax office dealing with any PAYE.

One annual payment – There are no subscription charges or monthly fees. Using our registered office service means that your mail is subjected to franked forwarding (postage paid). We do not simply re-address your mail as many of the competitors do. Our registered office service provides you.

Its purpose is to receive official government mail. This great service enables you to separate your business and personal lives, ensuring that your private address does not go on the public record. It must be a physical location in the United Kingdom at which official papers (such as mail from Companies House and HMRC) and court documents can be served.

It is the nominated address for the company and therefore often finds itself on many mailing lists and automatic directory for the company. This isn’t always desirable if you intend to use your home address. It is also an excellent way to provide continuity for businesses operating from short-term trading addresses, or as the UK registered office for overseas business establishing a presence in the UK.

As part of this service, we will display details of your company name and registration number at Mail Boxes Etc. Cardiff (a legal requirement). Private limited Company. Companies Registration Office Ireland. Register of Companies and Business (trading) Names maintained.

Registered Office Address Why do I need a Registered Office Address?


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