Your name mitsuha
Weathering With You. She is a 17-year-old girl living in the rural town of Itomori who yearns for a life in the bustling city of Tokyo. The film was produced by Kōichirō Itō and Katsuhiro Takei, with music composed by Radwimps. Your Name tells the story a high school boy in Tokyo and a high school girl in a rural town, who suddenly and inexplicably begin to swap bodies. The film stars the voices of Ryunosuke Kamiki, Mone Kamishiraishi, Masami Nagasawa and Etsuko Ichihara.
Part of the confusion people have with Your Name is it’s structure. Many times it can feel like Your Name is purposely leaving out information to trip you up. What is the name of the girl in Tokyo and Mitsuha? D Piano sheet from.
But one night, they suddenly switch places. Your Name A story of two people determined to hold on to one another. The Miyamizu Family’s Names.
These are the names of the four women of the Miyamizu family in order of age. Mitsuha wakes up in Taki’s body, and he in hers. In Japanese, their names put them in order too: they literally translate to one leaf, two leaf, three leaf and four leaf respectively. English title Your Name. She is a high-school student living in a small rural town called Itomori, and a member of the Miyamizu family, where she serves as a priestess in her family shrine.
This bizarre occurrence continues to happen randomly, and the two must adjust their lives around each other. Some fans believe that if the town existed it would be located near the Nagarehayama mountain within the Gifu prefecture. Makoto Shinkai’s animated masterpiece, Your Name (Kimi No Na Wa), stole our hearts at the end of the film when its lead characters, Taki and Mitsuha, finally find their way back to each other after five years of longing. But what if they actually didn’t meet in the end? Timeline in Your Name.
She begins switching bodies intermittently with Taki Tachibana, a high school boy in Tokyo when they wake up. A brief, feel-good epilogue that takes place immediately after the ending of Your Name. Their efforts across time and reality brought them back together, and love would never let them forget again. Responses and reviews more than welcome! Meanwhile in the city, Taki Tachibana lives a busy life as a high school student while juggling his part-time job and hopes for a future in architecture.
IIPF-AI6XZM Free sheet PDF. A submission from California, U. Search for more names by meaning. Now, Taki finds himself stuck in the past with Mitsuha.
Not exactly the worst case scenario, if he had to say so himself. Metacritic score: The day the stars fell, two lives changed forever. This is when “ Your Name ” becomes something very unexpected. To say that “ Your Name ” is visually striking would be a giant understatement. Followers, Following, 3Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from YOUR NAME.
Steam Community: Steam Artwork. She is a very determined person, sometimes persistent, and is also adventurous. The story of after they met on those stairs in Tokyo.
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