Comply definition

What does comply or explain mean? Word Origin late 16th century: from Italian complire, Catalan complir, Spanish cumplir, from Latin complere ‘fill up, fulfil’ (see complete). The original sense was ‘fulfil, accomplish’, later ‘fulfil the requirements of courtesy’, hence ‘to be agreeable, to oblige or obey’. Compare with compliment.


They asked him to leave and he complied. She has complied with the requirements. Obsolete To be courteous or obedient. How to use comply in a sentence. If someone or something complies with an order or set of rules , they are in accordance with what is required or expected.

The commander said that the army would comply with the ceasefire. An example of comply is when you follow warranty laws when selling products. They refused to comply with the UN resolution.

All furniture must comply with the fire safety regulations. When requested to leave, they refused to comply. We cannot comply with your demands for the files.

Synonyms for comply in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for comply. Late 16th century from Italian complire, Catalan complir, Spanish cumplir, from Latin complere ‘fill up, fulfil’ (see complete).

I asked the waitress to refill my coffee cup and she happily complied. There will be penalties against individuals who fail to comply. If you don’t comply you could face a penalty of £100. Familiarity information: COMPLY used as a verb is very rare. To follow or adhere to a particular rule or regulation.

Please be advised that your construction project needs to comply with all building codes. The companies would have to comply with training standards and safety procedures. The shipments must comply with welfare standards that have been developed by the ministry.

Nor does their browser comply with half of the standards it runs by. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word comply.

Find descriptive alternatives for comply. The state or act of conforming with or agreeing to do something. The definition of compliance means following a rule or order. YourDictionary definition and usage example. Meaning, you need to comply with relevant legislation, as well as any internal or external standards.

Not sticking to compliance can lead to damage done towards both the company and it’s customers.


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