Normal synonym

Slowly the light in the schooner descended to its normal position. For each there exists a normal rate of travel, beyond which are penalties. It is inaccurate, for instance, to use 63¢ as the basis for the normal differential.

What is normal mean? Is unnormal a word? The two countries have resumed normal diplomatic relations.

The hospital claimed they were simply following their normal procedure. Meteorological services anticipates normal railfall. Weather forecast for September. Something that is normal is usual and ordinary, and is what people expect.

Find descriptive alternatives for normally. Synonyms for normally. The interior normal vector of an ideal perfect sphere will always point toward the center.

Top synonym for normal (another word for normal ) is regular.

Top normal synonyms (related to standard) are fair, common and stock. Example sentences from the Web for normal Something like fluoride, which is too small for normal filters, yanks away that feeling of agency. She met people that he did not—and of a more normal species.

More and more normal schools are putting instruction in library methods on a par with other subjects by giving credits for it. Entry of 3) being about midway between extremes of amount or size. We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word normal will help you to finish your crossword today. Cricket is the archetypal English game.

Normal Life synonyms. It was standard practice for them to advise in cases of murder. Deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying. Find more similar words at wordhippo. Definition and synonyms of normal from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.

This is the British English definition of normal. View American English definition of normal. Change your default dictionary to American English. View the pronunciation for normal.

Plural of Singular of Past tense of Present tense of Verb for Adjective for Adverb for Noun for. Meaning of name Origin of name Names meaning Names starting with Names of origin.

Collins English Dictionary. Antonyms for Cumulative normal. Gaussian distribution.


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